Glean scientific insights and practical wisdom to bolster your social health.

Start here with writing that’s hot off the press.

What is Social Health? The Little-Known Idea That Could Make All the Difference

Give Your Social Health a Decent Workout

Shifting the Focus From Loneliness to Social Health

The Mental Health Industry is Booming. Next Up? Social Health Innovation

Why Work Can—and Should— Make You Less Lonely

This 108-Day Experiment Made My Life Better in Every Way

Dive deeper with more of Kasley’s articles on human connection and loneliness.

2019 and earlier

A Solution for Loneliness: Volunteering | Scientific American (featured as a “Top Hit” by Pocket)

Putting People at the Heart of Health Research | Google Design Blog

Bridging the Intergenerational Divide | SF Global Shapers Blog

5 Ways to Address the Loneliness Epidemic | SF Global Shapers Blog

To Combat Loneliness, Promote Social Health | Scientific American

The Need for Human Connection in Digital Mental Health Care | Scientific American

How to Find Meaning in Suffering | Scientific American

A Hug a Day Keeps the Doctor Away | Scientific American (used by Khan Academy as an educational tool)

Building Empathy in Healthcare | Greater Good Magazine

Positive Psychological Interventions & Self-Perceptions | Positive Psychological Interventions Textbook

Get the award-winning book lauded as “profound, practical, and urgently needed by us all.”