Learn about the social tech innovation landscape and ways to both build and use tech for more meaningful relationships.


5 Ways to Create a Culture of Connection for Remote Workers

Creating a culture of connection for remote workers is vital for their well-being and productivity. By prioritizing social well-being, organizations can cultivate a thriving remote work culture.

READ THE ARTICLE | Psychology Today

The Need for Human Connection in Digital Mental Health Care

Technology is transforming the therapeutic bond between therapists and clients in mental health care. While digital platforms offer convenient and stigma-free alternatives, there is a concern that the human connection and psychological value may be compromised.

READ THE ARTICLE | Scientific American

How to Prevent Loneliness in a Time of Social Distancing

Research shows that developing digital habits that support meaningful human connections can mitigate loneliness. Utilize video chat, engage in acts of kindness through direct messages or emails, cultivate online communities based on shared interests, nurture existing relationships, and explore tools and apps designed to optimize online interactions.

READ THE ARTICLE | Scientific American

Spotlight on Social Connection

This article explores key opportunities for fostering meaningful connections and community building in various domains such as public spaces, transportation, entertainment, food, and digital social networks.


Creating the Conditions for Social Well-Being

We convened 26 experts and over 2,500 community members from 55 countries to discuss how to reduce and prevent loneliness and improve social well-being across sectors. In this report, you will discover key takeaways, stakeholder recommendations, innovation spotlights, and resources for individuals, communities, and organizations to take action.

READ THE REPORT | Social Health Labs

The Growing Social Wellness Landscape

 People crave connection. So startups are designing for it. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of social connection, leading to an increase in startups focusing on social wellness. These startups aim to reduce loneliness, build communities, and facilitate meaningful connections.


Understanding Loneliness and Social Health Innovations in the COVID-19 Era

Exploring the impact of the pandemic on social relationships and the emerging solutions to combat loneliness: takeaways from the UCL-Penn Global COVID Study.

READ THE ARTICLE | UCL Open Environment

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